HOME ARCHIVE TAGS ABOUT RSSRSSAntonio MartinovićI’m a team lead and tech enthusiast, this is my place for writing about things I find interesting including, development, tech and leadership. I also enjoy asking the stupid questions and giving unsolicited advice.202413 OctMaximal effort, minimal impact: How I learned what engineering guidelines should be likeproductivity leadership18 JunYet another project I will never completeself-improvement productivity20239 JulWeek 3: Picking up againself-improvement productivity focus2 JulWeek 2: Slower second week but still building paceself-improvement productivity focus25 JunWeek 1: Back to codingself-improvement productivity focus24 MarWhy I stopped learningself-improvement productivity focus15 FebImprovement daysproductivity leadership6 JanTry to take it easyself-improvement productivity focus201820 OctDevelopers are creative and this is how to steer itproductivity engineering